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1) On the 28th September 2012, Artemis Sorras deposits 6 bonds amounting to 600 Billion US dollars and are a part of a contract worth 2.8 trillion dollars which he administers. This is a debt of the American Treasury. The account number in the Bank of Montreal of Canada in which the 600 billion were deposited is the following:
14092012CGAS/3232/SOVEREIGN DEMOCRACY OF ELLAS, as it is depicted on the formal document: Federal Stock Transfer and Custody Agents INC”, which also informs the following mechanisms in regards to the 600 Billion USD:

-       The Supreme Court of Greece (Areios Pagos) 
-       All the members of the Greek Parliament
-       The Prime Minister of Greece
-       The Ministers of Finance

2)  On the 2nd October 2012, the largest law-firm of the planet “Bleakley & Platt” in New York U.S.A., (which has been given the power of attorney by Artemis Sorras to handle the formal informing of all relative institutions on the planet, and who also deal with the movements of the funds of the contract Mr. Sorras has with the American Treasury), formally informs all institutions of Greece, the U.S.A., the IMF and Europe in regards to the deposit of the 600 Billion in the name of the “Sovereign Democracy of Ellas”, as well as the deposit of 48.9 Billion in the name of the “Sovereign Cypriot Democracy”. 

At the same time, Artemis Sorras publicly displays the “Custodial Deposit Receipt” of the U.S. Treasury Bonds worth 48,926,500,000 Billion USD with the code that exists on the document of “Bleakley & Platt”.

3) Since the Greek Parliament, the Prime Minister and the President of Greece provocatively ignore and do not accept the 600 Billion (interest-free) loan proposal with duration of 100 years, which they have been informed (in the most formal way with all the relative evidential documents), on the 29th November 2012, Artemis Sorras is forced to file a law-suit agaunst all 302 (the 300 Parliamentarians, the President of Greece and the Minister of Finance), for High Treason and other criminal acts.
4)    On the 30th November 2012, Artemis Sorras informs the President and the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court (Areios pagos) in regards to the criminal ignorance of the Greek Government who he has charged with High Treason.

5)     Spyridon Adonis Georgiadis and two journalists file a Complaint Report to the Prosecutor who as the Greek State, acts out the law-suit against Artemis Sorras accusing him of “spreading false information” (regarding the 600 Billion) and another 3 criminal charges (upheaval of the people, disrupting the proper function of the Greek constitution etc.) The court date is scheduled for 28/06/2013.
On the 05/06/2013, (before the scheduled court case against Artemis Sorras on 28/06/2013), from the Prosecuting Attorney and by “application to summon witnesses”, Artemis Sorras requests the following witnesses to appear in court:

-       Yannis Stournaras (the Minister of Finance) 
-       George Provopoulos (the Governor of the Bank of Greece)
-  Vasilis Mastrokalos (Deputy General Director of the Public Debt Management Agency PDMA – ΟΔΔΗΧ)
-  Mr. Grigoris Floratos (The Director of the 23rd Directorate General Accounting Office – GAO of the State)
Due to their institutional role, the people above knew the truth and legality of the 600 Billion USD in every detail.
Evidently, these witnesses never showed up to the Court Case on 28/06/2013. The obvious reason is so the issue wouldn’t receive significant publicity and the Greek people learning how wealthy they actually are.

6)  On 28/06/2013, the Court Case by the Greek State against Artemis Sorras begins, and the final decision 67650/2013, which acquits Artemis Sorras, proving once and for all that the 600 Billion USD exists and has been deposited in favour of the Ellene Ethnos (Greek Nation).

7)   On 15/11/2017, after much pressure by the anti-Hellenic regime, the Greek State executes another law-suit against Artemis Sorras for false news in regards to the 600 Billion USD, and a second court decision is made by the Single member court of First Instance in Athens with No. 107376/2017. It was declared that “the discussion of the matter is deemed unacceptable”, since Artemis Sorras was no longer accused, equating to yet another acquittal in regards to the 600 Billion USD. 
With the two acquitted court decisions in favour of Artemis Sorras in regards to the 600 Billion USD:
-         1st DECISION 67650/2013
-         2nd DECISION 107376/2017
The 600 Billion USD have been declared irrevocable, as existing and true which belong to the Sovereign, Native and Indigenous Ellenes.
8)     The 600 Billion USD have been included as “Credit” in the State Budgets for the years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 (even though the years before these, for example 2015, only have amounts of around 155 billion euros) and will continue to appear every year until redeemed.

Despite all this, the Greek Government does not make use of these funds for the paying-off of the Public Debt which only amounts to 325 billion. Evidently, it can be paid, and the Greek people can be freed from the Memorandums and all their suffering as a result.

Source: Alexandros Makedon

This is why “Ellinon Syneleysis – E.SY” was established. It is the legal and sole voice of the Sovereign people of Ellas. If the Government (Private Corporation) doesn't want to serve our interests, then "we the people" will unite and represent ourselves. We have all the wealth and knowledge to establish a true and just Politeia (State) where true Democracy with the Value System of 33 Protocols can be administered by the people and for the people. All that is required is our unification

All that is required is our unification.


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